L’horta nord

The region of l’Horta Nord is a moderncreation (1989), as was previously the historic Huerta de Valencia. With an area of 140.40 km ² and 201 412 inhabitants, bordered to the north of Camp de Morvedre, east to the Mediterranean Sea, south to the city of Valencia and the west by the Camp de Turia. The most important cities of the region are: Burjassot, Alboraia, Montcada (judicial capital), Massamagrell and Puçol.

The municipalities of this region are:

Albalat dels Sorells Burjassot Meliana El Puig
Alboraia Emperador Montcada Rafelbunyol
Albuixech Foios Museros Rocafort
Alfara del Patriarca Godella La Pobla de Farnals Tavernes Blanques
Almàssera Massalfassar Puçol Vinalesa
Bonrepòs i Mirambell Massamagrell


There are some districts of Valencia City which are geographically in this region, such as: Benifaraig, Poble Nou, Carpesa, Massarojos, gurgle, Cases de Bárcena, Mahuella, or the inhabited Tauladella, Rafalell and Vistabella.

Unlike of l’Horta Sud, this area retains much of the agricultural activity, particularly the area known as the Arc de Moncada, and from Alboraia until Meliana, with the peculiarity the cultivation of tiger nut, the nut with the horchata is made.

The industry of the region was of great importance in early twentieth century, as the jute factory Foios or ceramic tile in Meliana, where is the factory Nolla and the owner’s palace. Also noteworthy was the monastery of Santa Maria del Puig XIII century, population from which Jaume I directed the conquest of Valencia.

More info about l’horta Nord: www.turismohortanord.es